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Lascaux IV


As well as a number of photographic assignments, Penn Graphics has been responsible for the development of a new brand and all associated marketing material for this well-known institution.

Château de Bourdeilles


Penn Graphics has taken numerous photos of the castle and its grounds, and incorporated into the many promotional items. Design work includes the creation and illustration for the identity and promotion of a virtual reality game - 1307.

Parc du Thot


Penn Graphics has taken numerous photos of this visitor centre, and incorporated into the many promotional items. A new signage system was also designed for the entire site.

Cadouin Cloisters


Penn Graphics has taken numerous photos of the cloisters, and incorporated into the many promotional items, also produced by Penn Graphics.

Abris Préhistoriques Laugerie Basse /

Grotte du Grand Roc


Penn Graphics has taken numerous photos of these sites, and incorporated into the many promotional items including leaflets, advertising and on-site signage.